
institut für Bautechnik und Regionalentwicklung e.V.

In the first quarter of 2022 the Institut für Bautechnik und Regionalentwicklung e.V. (Institute for construction technique and regional development, registered association) was founded as non-profit corporate from a network of enterprises, scientists, planners and performers of different trades. The impulse for the foundation of the society resulted from the actual development in the field of energy and the world climate report.

The engaged members of the institute are working in research institutes of the universities as well as of private economy, they are busy in building enterprises, machine engineering industry, they are leading craft-man’s establishments or working in consulting and advanced training institutions.They dispose of experience with respect to translation and realization of projects in European standard and have factual knowledge in the fields of construction and building equipment, material research and development, mechanical engineering and automation, regenerative energy and ecological systems of agricultural utilization, regional planning and development as well as the initiation and creation of democratic participation processes.

By applied research with respect  to constructionally relevant, ecologically sustainable materials and manufacturing techniques and the organization of processes for conveyance of knowledge and social as well as ecological connections to producers, appliers and users we contribute to the mobilization of potentials of structurally weak regions and their sustainable development.

To support our work critically and technically and to guarantee the interdisciplinarity required with respect to the targets of sustainability we have appointed a scientific advisory board, the members of which assist the institute honorarily.

we are working on it

This homepage is under construction.
Many informations are still missing.
If you have a question, don‘t hesitate to contact us directly.
Our e-mail adress is: ibr-ev@jp.berlin

geschäftsführender Vorstand

eric Breiter

born 1972, factory trained coach builder, youth-seminar-teamer, graduate engineer für technical environmental protection (TU Berlin 2003) , ordinance on aptitude of instructors (AEVO), expert knowledge in treatment of asbestos (TRGS 519), member of the voluntary fire brigade. Since his final degree he is working as freelancer in rural regions (germany, france, austria, switzerland, ukraine, angola). He is consulting, planning and realising projects of biological sewage treatment, rainwater utilization, building systems, renewable energies, agricultural- and energy machinery such as ecological construction. Between 2005 and 2014 he was in executive position in the center for applied environmental projects of the "Gesellschaft zur Förderung der europäischen Kooperative e.V." and worked afterwards till 2022 as construction manager in the preservation of historical monuments.

peter Breidbach

born 1973, gratuade engineer for agriculture (Dipl.ing.) From 2005 till 2013 he was executive council of the cooperative farm „Lok Karlshof“ in Brandenburg, subsequently he is working as consulter and coach in: „Absent friends e.V., Berlin. Since 2009 he is a coach and organizational developper with a focus on welfare economics and non profit institutions. Since 2010 he is working as freelance building constructor in a network of planners and performing companies with a focus on building physical and ecologically optimised, sustainable improvement of accomodations and new contruction. Furthermore he is member of the foundation board of the non profit foundation “Beitragen statt Wegnehmen“ as well as excutive council of "Bildungskollektor e.V", Berlin.

wissenschaftlicher Beirat

norman Wiesner

Master mason/carpenter
Independent craftsman and building consultant

Active in the fields of
Ecological construction, clay building, monument preservation, reconstruction, old building, half-timbered renovation

Specialization in the fields of
Corporate-Real-Estate-Management and construction support

Experience in the fields of
Culture-booking, event organization and support

Norman Wiesner is master mason and carpenter. As independent craftsman he is active in the fields of ecological construction and clay building. Consequently he is an experienced processor/user of ecological building material in the most diverse areas of buildings.
In addition he has been active for various enterprises in the Corporate-Real-Estate-Management as well as in construction management/planning.
"I consider the connection between research, production and processing of ecological building material in the regional context important, knowledge sharing, education and further training existential for the achievement of climate targets and sustainable living in everyday life."

Dr. gerrit Hansen

is a researcher, analyst and political advisor specializing in international climate policy, sustainable development and a just transition to a nature-positive and carbon-neutral society.  She holds a doctorate from Wageningen University in the Netherlands, a diploma in Environmental Engineering from the Technical University Berlin, and a Master of Science degree in Global Change Management from the University for Sustainable Development Eberswalde (HNEE). Following engagements at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), she held senior positions at Germanwatch e.V., the German IPCC Coordination Office and Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH. She also works as a freelance consultant and as a writer for the International Institute for Sustainable Development’s Earth Negotiation Bulletin.
"Locally sourced and sustainable supply chains for renewable materials are key to achieve a just transition to a net-zero and nature-positive economy. I.B.R. e.V.’s innovative approach to renewable building materials addresses the whole life cycle and can make an important contribution to this important yet underrated field. "

nils Thamling

is an energy engineer (Dipl.-Ing.) and has been working in Prognos’ Business Unit Economy, Energy and Infrastructure since 2009. Previously, he managed energy efficiency projects at a regional energy agency, where he gained valuable policy consulting experience. Today, he coordinates the heat market team at Prognos and is the central contact and expert for issues relating to energy-efficient building infrastructure and the future of heat supply in Germany. Also, he works on issues relating to sector coupling between the heat and electricity markets.

Nils Thamling has a longtime experience in management and treatment of research and consulting projects concerned with climate protection issues regarding subjects as buildings and heat markets. He is familiar with the actual programmatics concerning climate protection politics as well as the energy political debate on the national and European level. He coordinated the creation of proposals of measures associated with the estimation of con-sequences within the scope of various projects (among others scientific support of climate policy and measure programme since 2018, roadmap energy efficiency 2045, expertise concerning measures for target achievement in building sector and strategy climate neutrality. In addition to this he cooperates in the conceptual design as well as in the further development of already existing and new instruments of climate protection. In this different national laws are implied.

rainer Nowotny,

1985 free-lance mathematician, start-up entrepreneur – hardware development, publications concerning group theory and artificial intelligence. 1996 foundation of the hemp factory in Prenzlau, technical develop-ment concerning harvest, processing and utilization of hemp. 2013 transfer of the enterprise hemp factory to a co-operative. Publications concerned with chaos theory, building physics, balance theory and neoliberalism. Today: Member of the board of directors of Hanffaser Uckermark eG as well as of Deutsche Hanf-Akademie e.V.

gina Kupfermann

is a graduade process and energy engineer (Dipl.Ing.) as well as industrial engineer (Dipl. Ing. FH). As head of Finance and Controlling she was responsible for the accounting department of CENTERRA AG between 2005 and 2010. Since 2010 she is member of the research staff of GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, department for geothermal energy. Her scientific focus is on geothermal energy systems as well as on comparative analysis of dual geothermal power stations. For more than 30 years she has been engaged in different political, grassroot democratic networks and non-profit oganizations and has excellent planning and organization skills.
"As network of technically, socially and politically innovative and emancipative scientists and practitioners IBR unites all competences required to boost the urgently needed economic and social change towards a climate friendly society."

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Institut für Bautechnik und Regionalentwicklung e.V.
Groß-Methling 14
17159 Dargun
Vorsitzende: Dipl. Ing. Peter Breidbach, Dipl. Ing. Eric Breiter

e-mail: ibr-ev@jpberlin.de

Registerblatt VR 10388, Amtsgereicht Neubrandenburg

Steuernummer 075/141/11086, Finanzamt Waren